Deadliest Catch

Deadliest Catch Star ‘Wild’ Bill Wichrowski Reveals What Keeps Him Coming Back

Deadliest Catch Star 'Wild' Bill Wichrowski Reveals What Keeps Him Coming Back

Bill Wichrowski sailing

As demonstrated on “Deadliest Catch,” being a crab fisherman out on the open sea is one of the most dangerous professions one can encounter. According to ABC News, the fishers you find on Alaskan boats have an average annual fatality rate of 115 deaths for every 100,000 workers. For context, the average job in the United States only has an average annual fatality rate of four deaths per 100,000 workers. Despite this, plenty of fishers venture forth to capture crabs every day, risking their own health and safety in the process.

There must be something driving these individuals beyond a mere paycheck. You have to have nerves of steel to withstand being out on a boat for extended periods of time, but surely, there are other ways to make a living. That’s what “Deadliest Catch” star “Wild” Bill Wichrowski spoke about in an interview where he revealed why he’s been in this line of work for so long.


For Wichrowski, it all comes down to survival

Bill Wichrowski looking stern

“Wild” Bill Wichrowski has practically seen it all during his time King Crab fishing in the Bering Sea. He’s lost friends and performed backbreaking labor, all in the service of bringing home as many crabs as possible. And he’s still going strong, remaining an ever-present fixture on “Deadliest Catch.” The question has to come up: what inspires him to keep going all these years later?

Wichrowski was asked precisely that during an interview with Vegas Film Critic, a.k.a. Jeffrey K. Howard. And his response makes sense: “Survival. I mean, I can’t see myself retired just yet. All my life is with people half my age, and a lot of people are pretty amazed at how old I am because just [my] taste in music and activities. I think being on the boat keeps me young.”

From this and other interviews Wichrowski has given, it’s clear being on that boat is more than just a paycheck for the fisherman. It’s a way of life, and there’s nothing he’d rather be doing.




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