Deadliest Catch

The Deadliest Catch Season 19 Captains, Cast & Crew

The Deadliest Catch Season 19 Captains, Cast & Crew

Full steam ahead and beware of those icy waves; the nineteenth season of “Deadliest Catch” is in full swing. With a combination of veteran captains and newbies on-deck the show’s cast has been shuffled like never before, which means fans of the show will have a bunch of fresh faces to familiarize themselves with — or catch up on.

There are a total of nine differently-named boats at the center of Season 19 of “The Deadliest Catch,” with each bearing a distinct crew. For series veterans, the faces of Sig and Mandy Hansen are apt to be the most familiar ones floating about. Sig has captained the F/V Northwestern for years, and he’s been with the show since Season 2. Mandy has popped up on “Deadliest Catch” on and off since she was thirteen years old, and is now a regular part of the Northwestern’s crew and has become her father’s co-captain.

Then there’s Andy Hillstrand, head of the F/V Time Bandit. Making his debt appearance during Season 11, this is his first time back on the show since Season 12, and he’ll be accompanied on this crabbing journey by his brothers Johnathan and Neal. The rest of the ships trying to sail Alaska’s frigid waters combine new and old skippers, and they come bearing tales equally triumphant and tragic.

Season 19 of Deadliest Catch is loaded with newbies and industry vets

Mandy Hansen is annoyed

Among the captains populating Season 19 of “Deadliest Catch” are a wide assortment of newbies. Some are friends of familiar cast members, some are returning captains, and other are looking for fresh starts.

Sophia “Bob” Nielsen’s tale is an immensely emotional one. An orphan and a trainee captain, she has joined up with the crew of “Deadliest Catch” veteran Jake Anderson’s F/V Saga in the hope of claiming the helm of her family’s ship, the F/V Victory. A fellow female captain is Linda Greenlaw, a veteran swordfisher and a survivor of the infamous Perfect Storm, which claimed the lives of six fishermen working on the decks of the Andrea Gail in 1991. She co-captains the F/V Summer Bay with “Wild” Bill Wichrowski.

Jack Bunnell, meanwhile, has finally attained the captain’s chair by taking the wheel of the F/V Barbara J — only to come into conflict with Steve “Harley” Davidson, the ship’s longtime steward. Their standoff sees Bunnell captaining the Barbara J, and Davidson is piloting the F/V Southern Wind through Alaska’s chilly waters. Then there’s Keith Colburn of the F/V Wizard, who is captaining the ship where he first hired on as a deckhand years ago. Colburn is mentoring one of his deckhands, Jacob Hutchins, whose goal is to become the first Black skipper of a crabbing ship.

Sean Dwyer, skipper of the F/V Aleutian Lady, is an ambitious captain with a growing fleet of ships under his control. He, too, has worked his way up from deckhand to heading his own crabber. Dwyer shares duties on the deck of the Aleutian Lady with Rick Shelford, a newbie to the show.


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