Chrisley Know Best

Lindsie Chrisley Shades Family’s Return To Television

Lindsie Chrisley Shades Family’s Return To Television

It is no secret that Lindsie Chrisley’s family has been gearing up to return to television. In fact, her sister Savannah has shared a few behind-the-scenes videos and photos to confirm they were actively filming. The details of exactly what they were filming or what network they were filming for, however, remained unknown.

One big question fans have is simple: Is Lindsie Chrisley going to join the family on television?

Turns out, she has some pretty BIG feelings about her family returning to television. And, she recently took to her Instagram to seemingly throw some shade their direction over it.


Did She Want To Return To Television?

As far as fans knew, Lindsie Chrisley had mended bridges with her family. Todd and Julie Chrisley’s arrest appeared to bring the family together. And, when news of Lindsie Chrisley’s divorce broke, Todd had the opportunity to reconnect with his daughter.

Todd, Julie, Savannah, and Lindsie even came together for a massive podcast even involving all three of their podcasts where they sat down together for the first time, in a long time, and talked openly about their family with Chrisley Knows Best fans.

Lindsie Chrisley / YouTube

In regards to reality TV, fans know it wasn’t a great experience for Lindsie. So, they were pretty sure she wasn’t interested in going back. But, that didn’t stop them from asking her any time she hosted Q&A sessions on her Instagram profile.


Surprisingly, Lindsie Chrisley revealed the door was not shut on reality TV. She was open to returning. She, however, had some stipulations. Lindsie was not interested in playing a character or being forced to read a script. If she was going to be on television, it was important that it was actual reality and that her side of things was included in the narrative.

Now, this gave fans hope that Lindsie may return to TV as her sister Savannah claimed they wanted the same thing as Chrisley Knows Best turned into more of a comedy show for the family than actual “reality.”

Lindsie Chrisley Youtube

Lindsie Chrisley Seemingly Shades Family, No Longer Interested?

Todd Chrisley’s oldest daughter took to Instagram toward the end of this week to share a collection of photos and videos. Many of which featured herself and her son Jackson. The post itself was very long and there was a lot to unpack. But, one topic that came up was reality TV. Namely, it was the fact that she had been approached about possibly returning to a documentary.

Lindsie noted that she wanted to address the “rumors” surrounding her family’s return for a documentary. Sadly for those that hoped for her return, she quickly crushed that hope. She told her followers she declined to participate in the documentary.


Lindsie Chrisley Reunites With Her Family [Coffee Convos | YouTube]

Lindsie Chrisley, however, appeared to toss some shade at her family noting that she didn’t decline because she didn’t want to do it. Turns out, Lindsie Chrisley declined because she refused to participate in a project that didn’t allow all sides of the story to be told.
I, respectfully declined and do not plan to participate in any project that doesn’t allow for everyone’s voice to be heard. We all have a story, there’s always multiple sides and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.⁣

Lindsie added that she’s had a lot of hard conversations and made a lot of personal decisions. She continued: “I’ve learned to sit quietly with God instead of trying to figure everything out on my own. He takes my anxiety and replaces it with peace, wisdom, and security. I trust in him.”

Check out Lindsie’s detailed post and see the photos and videos she posted down below:

Do you understand why Lindsie Chrisley decided not to film with the family because she didn’t agree with the narrative being told? Do you think she was throwing shade at her family for selling out with a documentary that wasn’t telling the whole truth after saying that is what they wanted? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more Chrisley news.


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