Deadliest Catch

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Elliott Neese

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Elliott Neese

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Elliott Neese

One of the more controversial people on the Discovery channel’s Deadliest Catch show, where a crew of crab catchers sets out to earn a living, is Elliott Neese. As captain of the ship, he has had his ups and downs both professionally and personally, eventually getting kicked off the show as a part of a mutiny by the cast. Though there have been attempts to get him to return to the show after a few seasons of shore leave, all we know is that those attempts have thus far failed.

For those of you still keeping track of Elliott, here are 10 things you didn’t know about the former captain.

1. There was a petition to have him permanently removed from the show.

Apparently there were some very upset people who follow Deadliest Catch religiously, and actually started the online movement. But neither the change nor the movement went very far, as only 186 people had signed. The Remove Captain Elliott Neese from Discovery’s Deadliest Catch attempt barely got out of harbor before sinking.

2. He has a net worth of an estimated $500,000

That may not seem like much given how many celebrities make far more, but he’s not crabbing about making a living doing a reality show, especially when you consider that he hasn’t worked for a number of years.

3. He was a resident at Passages Malibu.

For those who have not seen the TV ads for Passages, it is a rehab facility in California for a variety of substance abuse problems. The shore leave only lasted 60 days, but he has publicly said that his life is back in order.

4. He is a real life hero.

During the 10th season of the show, when he was still captain, the non-reality show boat, the F/V Arctic Hunter, ran into some trouble off the coast of Alaska and ran aground. It wrecked the boat and according to reports, Neese risked his life to save the six crew members in peril. Apparently there are still 186 people who don’t care about this.

5. He took to Twitter to show his rehab progress.

That progress took the form of reporting he has bulked up from 175 to 195 pounds, the word being that those 20 extra pounds are all muscle. We are awaiting pics of his new pecs.

6. He has become acquainted with Erika Fridenbergs.

If you don’t know who Erika is, she is a 20-something woman who he met in Malibu. She hails from Chicago, and there have been sea stories about the two being romantically involved. This is one storyline you’ll have to follow (if that’s what floats your boat) because Elliott keeps his personal life away from the media. But there is Twitter evidence he two are a real couple, as there are pics of the two together.

7. He can’t keep baby mama Valerie Gunderson from appearing on the horizon.

It’s not clear who is looking for who, but Gunderson, who is the mother of his two children, has taken legal action against him in the form of a protective order citing she fears for her personal safety. Though that was a few years ago, the two apparently have yet to find smooth waters to navigate to benefit their children.

8. The Gunderson Saga — Part Two.

Another shot across the bow at Neese was that he once got so angry and violent with her that the result was for him to destroy a television and use her clothing to fuel the fireplace. There apparently is scant evidence of the event, though Neese has remained silent about the charges.

9. Neese has a definite personal charisma that is needed on the show.

The word is that the former captain’s crew has forgiven his bout with addiction and is willing to take him back on board. The sentiment appears to have caught on with the producer and director of the show since it seems a love-him-or-hate-him persona is what the show needs.

10. He has not left his fishing career or life on the shore.

Elliott has been seen fishing in Mexico and Fiji, so he continues his seafaring ways. At this point he seems content to live his life away from the Discovery channel, though fans can still find him on Twitter, posting the occasional pic and tweet.

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