Curse Of Oak Island

Marty Lagina Found The Oak Island Treasure And SHOCKED The Entire Treasure Industry!

Marty Lagina Found The Oak Island Treasure And SHOCKED The Entire Treasure Industry!

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From the discovery of an ancient tunnel that may link the team to the treasure that is rumored to be hidden somewhere on this mysterious island to the findings that indicate that ancient religious military groups and militant societies worked together to bring this treasure tothis mystifying place, here’s how Marty Lagina found the Oak Island treasure and shocked the entire treasure industry.

When one hears that the Lagina brothers and their crew have been searching for treasure for many years now, one wonders how they could even keep going on with this treasure hunt. After all, they aren’t the only ones that have spent their time and resources searching for treasure on this island as many have wandered on to this remote location off the south coast of Nova Scotia for more than 200 years.

Well, looking at the Lagina Brothers and how they appear to remain committed to their cause despite spending so many years out on this mysterious Oak Island looking for this treasure, one can see how it has driven them closer to the treasure with every moment that goes by.

We join the team as they focus their search for the elusive treasure that is hidden on the island by turning their attention to the Money Pit Area. This is because this is where Scott Barlow was excited to share his new discovery with the team. This must have occurred because the team had been working hard on getting some materials out of the shaft. With some good fortune, the team may be able to extract some important items that date back centuries. Scott Barlow came across some answers to the many mysteries that can be found on the island. That said, he couldn’t ignore how strange some of these recent discoveries were, especially because there seemed to be no sign of structure in the underground passages that they found in the shaft.

Eager to learn more, the team decided to explore this area. Despite approaching this exploration with some initial hope, they were faced with more problems than answers when they realized that a section of the tunnel had collapsed onto itself. Considering the situation as it was at the time, Marty felt that they should return their focus to the items that they had discovered recently. He believed that it may give the team some important details about the tunnel’s past. It could even give them details of what the tunnel may have been used for when it was still operational.

Not deterred by their challenge, the team continued to dig into the tunnel so that they could determine how old it is with the use of carbon dating. Such a notion was considered to be exciting by several members of the team such as Laird Niven and Doug Crowell. Considering the recent developments that were going on, the Lagina brothers were eager to get all the information they could get because it could help them with the search for the elusive treasure that is said to be hidden somewhere on this mysterious island.

As important as that is, the discovery of treasure is the main reason this team is actually on the island. Rick Lagina is also able to recognize that there was a possibility that the team’s most recent discoveries on the island may prove to be important. As a result, Rick expressed his gratitude by thanking the members of their team for their hard work so far. Following this, he suggested that he’d get samples of any nails and boards that they could find so that they could study them for more information. As you can imagine, this reflects the sentiment of how important these items may prove to be. As such, it is clear that it is important to perform a full examination on the items that were discovered.

With this in mind, the team continued with their quest to solve the 229-year-old treasure hunting mystery on Oak Island. Recently, the team was excited by the discovery of what seemed to be a 7-foot high wooden tunnel that was located underneath the Garden Shaft. To their surprise, detailed analysis of the tunnel revealed that it had either been taken down or it had somehow collapsed onto itself. Eager to learn more, the team became determined to remove the iron objects and the wooden beams that they found on the site. That way, they could learn how old they are thanks to the use of carbon dating.

Thanks to this investigation, the team was able to come away with some hand-cut square nails that were found in the wood. This could prove to be important clues that could help the team as they search for the treasure that was rumored to be hidden on the island. Looking at these nails, the team was certain that these nails were manufactured all the way back in the 1600s.

Dr. Doug Simmons came up with the theory that suggested a possible link between the Knights Templar and the Vikings who were present on Oak Island. Maybe that is why he thought that the stone forms and the five stone piles that were found on Lot 15 were built by this Christian medieval military organization. If you ask Dr Simmons, he’d tell you that L’Anse Aux Meadows, which is more recently known as Newfoundland, is an important site because that is where the Vikings discovered and built towns in North America as far back as 1000 AD.

Apparently, the Knights Templar were known to search for holy items and relics during the Crusades. Maybe this was because their headquarters were established in Jerusalem in the 1200s. To Dr. Simmons, this meant that the Vikings and the Knights Templar may have collaborated with each other at some point in time in the past. As interesting as this concept may be, the team was momentarily distracted by the discovery of a piece of ship railing at the southern edge that could be dated back to the 800s. Imagine that! Such a discovery suggests
that the Vikings may have made it to Oak Island more than a millennium ago in the year 1000 AD.

Another fascinating discovery was that of a copper coin that could be dated to any time between the 1400s and the 1700s based on the green color that was stained onto it. They were lucky to come across this ancient relic when they were looking into what was going on in the strange rectangular foundation on Lot 5. Consequently, the team plans to keep digging as they search for artifacts that they could study so that they could learn all they
can about the history of this fascinating island.

Rick and Marty Lagina continue to lead the team as they search for this elusive treasure that is rumored to be hidden on this island for more than 229 years. This turns our attention to two artifacts that were found in Scandinavia while he was studying the trips people took in Europe between 1000 and 1200 AD. This proved to form the basis of his theory because this must have been why he believed that the Vikings were exploring North America in 1000 AD. He even believed that they were building cities in North America back then. Maybe this is why the area known as Newfoundland seems to be important. He knew that the Knights Templar were a group that searched for historical items underground and that they had their headquarters in Jerusalem more than a thousand years ago.

Thanks to these facts, Dr. Simmons figured that the Knights Templar and the Vikings could have worked together to achieve some sort of common goals. In reference to more information on the matter, Dr. Simmons points to King Sigurd of Norway who may have transported some of his riches to Oak Island back when he was around in 1177. It is Dr. Simmons’ belief that he transported his riches to the mysterious island with the help of the Vikings. According to Dr. Simmons and some of his researchers, there may be proof that the Knights Templar and the Vikings were allies during the Crusades to the Holy Land in the 1200s. As such, it seems as though there are theories that state that the Vikings may have been integral to the transportation of holy artifacts to Oak Island.
Who can blame them for having such thoughts?

Looking back to the history of this mysterious island, a ton of fascinating objects were discovered at Oak Island. We’re talking about items such as Nolan’s Cross, the Megalithic stone formations that we mentioned earlier, a stone well and a paved area that was discovered on Lot 26. According to Dr. Simmons, it looks like all these things may have been made on the island in the 1300s. If this is true, this may give us some explanations as to how objects from Scandinavia may have made it to Oak Island all those years ago. As you can expect, once the team discovered this possible link between the Vikings and the Knights Templar, the team was keen to see how much they can learn about this relationship. As fascinating as this may be, the team was also interested to learn if this would have any implications on their search for the treasure on the island.

As fascinating as these notions may be, the team was lucky enough to find some more proof that Vikings lived on the island during the Middle Ages. While looking into the land in the southern region of the island, the team came across a large piece of metal that could be traced back to the 1500s. According to the team, this is a huge discovery as it indicates that the Vikings may have indeed made it to Oak Island and that they might have been in the area for quite some time.

To add to that, the team discovered the presence of some iron nails in the area where the piece of metal was found. This is a fascinating find as it suggests that the Vikings were in the area during the 1500s, if not longer. In fact, the team later found a complete tool on the island which was an iron clamp that was found in the Money Pit Area. As you can imagine, these are some fascinating finds that the team believes may be crucial to their search for the elusive treasure hidden somewhere on Oak Island.

As the team continued their search for the elusive treasure on Oak Island, they were lucky to find more intriguing items that could shed some light on the mysteries of this island. As a result, the team was excited to discover mysterious piece of rock that was discovered in the Money Pit Area.

A detailed analysis of the rock revealed that it had some strange carvings that seemed to be ancient symbols
used for a specific purpose. Some of these symbols were thought to be linked to the Knights Templar. Looking at this, the team began to investigate further to learn more about these carvings.

This could be a major breakthrough for the team as they could be on the verge of discovering important information about the treasure’s origins. The team remains determined to uncover the secrets hidden on this mysterious island and to solve the long-standing mystery surrounding the Oak Island treasure.

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