Deadliest Catch

Sig and Jake End Their Season on a High Note | Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns

Sig and Jake End Their Season on a High Note | Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns

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“Norway opened up their fishing all over. Now we got to get away from the crowd and find a new home. We’ve already done Sig’s set; this is my set in the shallows. I’m hoping to make this work.”

“Hopefully Jake knows what he’s doing. You know we need a lot of crab.”


“This is one of our last sets, so this thing has to work, man.”

“Let’s get him over.”

“The boss, no matter if he’s on deck or not, but he’s always the boss.”

“Come on. Come on. Alright, here we go. Well, Jake’s gonna get them in the water. Hopefully, we get lucky.”

“You know when the clock’s ticking, you got to do what you got to do to get the job done. We are a team together, and sometimes leaving the Wheelhouse and getting your hands dirty with the guys is the push that they might need to get to the finish line.”

“Ah, it’s not good. That’s not good. This is our last final push that we have. I got to get home because of my American businesses. Sig’s got to get home.”

“Keep your feet down, yeah.”


“What’s going on? Get the pot out of the way. Get the ball out of the way.”


“Okay. Is he okay?”

“Rolled it out.”

“Better go check on him.”

“What happened?”

“I was trying to get out of the way; the pot was— you know, the pot was like, it was still tied on top. So we picked it up and pulled it out. It swung around; it was coming at me.”

“You want me to give you some ice?”

“Yeah, you got ice?”

“Ice, yeah.”

“That’s—you can’t—that’s not too tight?”

“I’m afraid to make it tight.”

“I just got to keep ice on it for a while. I shouldn’t have let you go out there.”

“But nothing good comes easy, does it?”

“No, dude, no.”

“I swear to God this boat is cursed.”

“It’s not too tight, right?”

“No, no. Go get the gear in the water. Just keep going, Jake. Million dollars, here we come.”

“Thank you.”

“Stroke also takes that.”

“This is the last chance. This is Jake’s set. If nothing comes up in these pots, we’re… it’s that simple. We bit off more than we could chew, but that’s the name of the game when you’re chasing dreams. All you need is a little strip, one little pile.”

“Come on, let’s see something. Come on, baby, come on, baby.”


“I could hear them chattering down there. Is there really something in there? I can hear something.”

“Yeah, yeah, there we go! That’s what we’re talking about.”

“Alright. Well done. They’re huge. That’s all keepers. Hope they keep coming up like that.”

“You know, when I look back and think about Jake’s progression as a fisherman… you know, when he first got on the Northwestern, he was mid-20s, just a kid. And it’s amazing to see how far he’s come in such a short time.”

“We got—I got him! We got big life!”


“Oh, this is more like it. We’ve been waiting a long time for those.”

“As much as I hate the stress, I think I like it.”

“Yeah, I’m done.”


“But I’d like to think that, you know, he did take away something from the Northwestern and maybe a little bit from my lead. I’ve always thought of Jake like a son, and, you know, in a way, that does make him a part of my legacy as well.”



“I gotta call Clark, man.”


“He’s going to be just elated.”

“Clark, Clark! Dude, we’re killing it, Clark.”

“How’s it going for you?”

“This is on fire, man. It’s so good. We pulled the first pot, like 15, got to 20. We even had a 50 in it.”


“What’s up?!”

“Awesome! What you’re getting, what we’re getting, I’ll tell you we’re gonna get it. We’re gonna get that mark. Tell you what, when you’re done with the day, just give us a tally. We’ll connect again, okay?”

“Alright, sounds good. Thank you. Well done.”

“Alright, we’ll talk to you guys soon.”


“Last pot, baby! I see something on that hook. Do not miss. Please do not throw that hook unless you’re guaranteed. I’ll turn around; I’ll do 500 circles.”

“2022 Norway, we did it, dude. We did it, guys. Thank you. We’re going home.”

“Time to go in. We got what we need.”

“Alright, buddy. Take care of that ankle.”


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