Deadliest Catch

Best Of Crab Hunting, Treacherous Waves & Intense Arguments! | PART 1 | Deadliest Catch

Best Of Crab Hunting, Treacherous Waves & Intense Arguments! | PART 1 | Deadliest Catch

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So who the hell is that? He’s not on my GPS, but he’s on the damn radar. Come check it out, see that? Oh yeah, he’s not over here, but he’s there. He’s not on the… He’s bugging me. Yeah, vessel 12 miles off my bow, and out. Are you crabbing? Are you dragging? This is a time banet now, Time Mantic calling the vessel 12 miles off my bow, heading south. Are you crabbing? Are you dragging?

[Music] Soon… Are you guys fishing? Something’s off. He’s southbound, he’s heading toward the east side of the gear. Got him on radar. I don’t see him on AIS. I can see you, and I can see him on the radar, but I don’t see him on AIS. Could be our guy. Yeah, I’m going to go up and investigate. Copy, copy, be right behind. [Music] Edy, get the guys up and go after this guy. Yep, you got [Music] it. Oh man, what was that? Yeah, don’t see anything. We hit something, get the guys up. Everybody CL, get up! We hit something. What? We hit something. I think it’s something in the wheel. Damn it, he’s running from me. We’re pinging him on the radar. I mean, I got a blip. Come on, brother, send Freddy to the bow. Try to get the numbers off this boat if we get close enough. Yeah, I’m not losing this guy. Come on, boys! Freddy, Joh, want you on deck, man. You see anything back there? Yeah, there’s a bag. Got line in the wheel. I got it. I don’t… tight though. Hey, can you still pick me up on the radio here? I’m on 8 miles off him now. I’m coming in fast. I got something in the wheel. I don’t know what the hell is going on. You need help? We’re still trying to figure it out, Johnny. Hey, Sig, you got me? Sig, you got me? Saga, I’m going to keep B, I’m going to Red H, those are all our buoys. You guys got me? Yeah, we got you. Okay, back on the low. Robby, that is that same black buoy, keth. Oh my God, this isn’t a game anymore. I got this thing Redline 1600 RPMs, and I’m catching him. You got it? I got… Is that a garbage bag? Yeah, garbage bag over it. What’s the numbers? No numbers, blank bag. I’m 6 miles from him now. I’m getting close. This little guy, this is the guy that’s been doing it out here. Oh come on, that’s not doing any good either. It’s stuck, stuck bad. It’s tight in the block. Oh snap, Norm, I got no gearbox, no forward, no reverse, nothing. I’m right on you, buddy. Let to eat your lunch, boy. Come on, John, let’s go! Come on, baby, come on! Go, you on there, John? You get me? Yeah, I got you. Yeah, go ahead. I’m dead in the water. I can’t get the boat in gear. I mean, I’m literally dead in the water. You need help? I might need a tow. Oh man, what the hell? Call it. All right, Sig, I’m heading towards you. I need some answers, please. Hey, somebody talk to me. It’s fine, just keep it out of gear. No one’s working on it. See those linkages? They’re nearly working on it. What does it look like? Just got something in the wheel. It’s a huge trolley net right here, huge. Huge sea net. It looks pretty deliberate. What do you want to do? Hey John, you got any empty drums over there? Yeah, I got a… I got a few. Lash them together for me. I’ll explain it when you get here. What? Well, I’m thinking to send in a message. Hi man, hey, park those drums over there. Yeah, get some line, lash them up, grab every pallet we got, stack the pallet on top, and get that damn net and douse it with as much fuel as you can find. Okay guys, we’re going to drop this off. All right B, let’s go. You know, it’s enough, enough’s enough. All right Johnny, light it up. [Applause] Got it. Yeah, baby, light it up. Yeah, there he goes. Burn [Music] baby. Send off the damn B. That’s your net burning. Get out of our waters. Stick, is it on yet? They’re wrapping it up right now. On the Northwestern, we have a welder in the water. He’s installing some line cutters for us. They really look like a set of scissors almost. I fished golden king crab years ago. This does bring back memories. Our dad and I were together. It’s open access, and you can attack and get what you get. Fifth generation Norwegian fisherman and 33-year Captain Zig Hansen and his daughter Mandy ready the boat to hunt a species it hasn’t fished since 1988. Line cutters are all installed. Where are we starting? Most of the fleet is going to be out east. They’re fishing Bey. We, on the other hand, are going to follow that deep edge all the way to the Russian border, way up on top. We’re going to be up there by ourselves. No, we’ve got the Hill strands. John, not just John. Do this thing, Amy. Welcome back to the American dream, brother. All right boys, we got to show the world a little red, white, blue. Give them some red, that’s boss right. Give them some… We get your blue going. Don’t let him stop. Don’t let him run out. Double fist that red, white, [Music] [Applause] blue. Partnering with Sig for the golden king crab fishery, Andy H is in on my boat right now. Captain Jonathan Hillstrand, we need more blue, is joined by his brother Andy for the first time since 2016. Where the hell have you been? Welcome back for 28 years. Oh yeah, Andy earned a reputation for explosive pots and wild… Get them boys. Explosives… dly. I’m excited because this is open access. You go out, the best fisherman wins. This is the real deal now. The old school Derby style fishery lures him back into the saddle. Back in the day when you saw the Hill strands around, I mean, they were pretty crazy, but they’ve matured a lot over the years. Push it away if you like it. Keep it there if you want more. That’s right, that’s right. Push it away. You want more? Keep it there if you want more. I’m not touching you. I’m [Music] not. Jonathan here… Well, so what’s the plan, man? What about bait? I haven’t been able to find anything here in town. How’d you guys do? I ordered it last year, and Tridespin is holding it for me. They put up about 10,000 lb, and I only ordered like 6,500, so I can split with you and give you five. That’s awesome, I love it. No problem. I’ll pick it up tomorrow, and I’ll have them set some aside for you. You help, John. Thank you. Yep, I’m glad you’re on board. We can work together. You Hansen, well, Andy just said he loves you. So just tell Sig I’ll take care of him. I’ll give him all the info he needs. All right, Budd, we’ll see you up there. All right, guys, good luck. Lu, all joking aside, we need to do a lot better than what we did last year if we’re going to survive. Yeah, this is like… we’re back to Ground Zero. 30 years ago, first king crab season, you remember that? Last time us brothers were with Dad. Yep, and we… The last time we went fishing with Dad, and uh, I’ll tell you what, we need to be together now to pull this off. This boat’s going to need you as much as I need you. I was… Miss seven years, dud. Seven years. Seven years, I miss you, man. Look at you… I haven’t laughed so much. I haven’t had so much fun. One day… one day on the Northwestern, because golden king crab is an Open Access fishery right now. I want to participate in that right away. I’m going to run down to the dock here. The guys are going to get these boxes of frozen card, and then we can go with $2.2 million of golden king crab ready to harvest. In the derby fishery, it’s a race to gear up and ship out. We’re supposed to have that frozen cod and half. He was supposed to take 5,000. We were going to take 5,000… all of it. Well, it’s supposed to be… So this guy’s saying that Jonathan took all of it. There’s no bait here for us. I thought they separated it too. Northwestern and Time B, they did. That was the plan. No, it came from Acatan, and the guy told me yesterday there were five pallets. That’s 2 and 1/2 each. So he took all of it? Hello, Time B, it’s John. I’m at the OSI dock. Did you take all the hanging bait? No, no, I… they… they didn’t put up 10,000 lb. They only put up the 6,500 that I wanted. So I took it all. They only had

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