Curse Of Oak Island

The Curse of Oak Island: FOUR Rare Coins Found on Lot 5

The Curse of Oak Island: FOUR Rare Coins Found on Lot 5

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[Marty] “Well, how does everybody feel about being back?”

[Jack] “How can you not be excited? I’ve got a feeling we’re about to find the treasure this year.”

[Marty] “Let’s keep that optimism going. We need to throw every resource we can at this because I believe we’re closer than we’ve ever been.”

[narrator] The highly anticipated and potentially historic chapter of the 228-year-old Oak Island mystery is about to unfold. With the new season, Rick and Marty Lagina are determined to uncover the island’s secrets, pushing forward with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.

Coins Discovery:

[Gary] “Right, let’s add to that ancient coin collection. Next target’s here.”

[narrator] On Lot 5, located on the western side of Oak Island, Rick, Marty, and Craig join Gary Drayton as they search for more clues near the area where three ancient coins were discovered just two days prior.

[Gary] “It’s good. Right there, mate. That’s a good sampling target.”

[metal detector beeping]

[Gary] “We got another one! That’s a coin. All right!”

[Gary] “Look at that. Is it the same as the other ones?”

[Marty] “I don’t see anything on it, but it’s about the same size.”

[Gary] “Anything on the other side?”

[Gary] “Wait, there’s some kind of number or something. If you can see stuff with the naked eye on it, then there should be some details.”

[Marty] “Let’s have a look.”

[Gary] “Yeah, look at that. It’s some kind of squiggly design. That’s just like those other ones.”

[Marty] “We have a half a Roman coin verified by experts. We have four new coins. That’s five coins found on Lot 5 that are all inexplicable.”

Expert Analysis:

[Marty] “We’re bringing in Sandy Campbell, a numismatic expert, to help us understand these coins.”

[narrator] Rick, Marty, and Craig, accompanied by numismatist Sandy Campbell, head to the Interpretive Centre to get insights into the four mysterious coins discovered earlier in the week.

[Sandy] “Wow, that’s… This design goes back to the 1500s, Tudor period.”

[Rick] “Which cultures are you referencing?”

[Sandy] “British. That’s a portcullis from the Tudor period, even used on modern British coins.”

[Sandy] “Now, this is clearly Roman design. Probably between 100 and 300 AD.”

[Rick] “Is this 100%?”

[Sandy] “Absolutely incredible. It’s 100%.”

[narrator] Over the past year, this is the second Roman coin found on Lot 5, each dating back over 1,000 years. The discovery raises questions about their origin and how they ended up on Oak Island.

[Sandy] “We’ve found English coins, Spanish coins, now an Indian coin. Who gathers all these weird, non-associated coins?”

[Marty] “The puzzlement grows. Three Roman coins found on Oak Island. It’s possible that if there’s an ancient treasure, it would include ancient components like Roman coins.”

Historical Connections:

[narrator] In 2016, Zena Halpern presented the team with a 14th-century map of Oak Island, believed to have been created by the Knights Templar. Her research linked the island to Templar voyages and treasures. Rick, Marty, and their team have since visited numerous Templar sites across Europe, finding similarities with Oak Island’s features.

[Rick] “Could Zena Halpern have discovered the true origin of the Oak Island mystery? We need to keep an open mind because the facts are stubborn things.”

[Gary] “What this tells me is there’s a heck of a lot of stories going on on this island from a long time ago.”

[Rick] “I concur. We need to prove it.”


[narrator] With new discoveries and expert insights adding layers to the Oak Island enigma, Rick and Marty Lagina remain determined to unravel the island’s secrets. As they continue their quest, the possibility of uncovering an ancient treasure, with its rich tapestry of history, becomes ever more tantalizing. Stay tuned as they dive deeper into the mystery that has fascinated treasure hunters for over two centuries.

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