Deadliest Catch

Crewmate FIRED Elliott Neese’s Drug Use Comes To Light! | Deadliest Catch

Crewmate FIRED Elliott Neese's Drug Use Comes To Light! | Deadliest Catch

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It was our anniversary.
We found out that Jake Anderson is now officially going to be a father, which changes everything.
I knew before you did that she was pregnant, just because there’s that small chance it might be mine.
I’ve been wanting to talk to you about this, bro.
I love you, but damn.
I’m very happy for Jake and very proud.
Maybe it will help change the young lad into a man.
With deck boss Edgar Hansen on leave, Jake takes on more responsibility.
He aspires to be as good as Edgar, run a boat like me.
And Edgar’s, you know, he’s always been that little safety net, and so, uh, safety net’s gone.
So you got to step up, you know?
You guys ready?
Okay, we’re going to go.
Okay, let’s see what you did here.
Oh, that’s it.
Ding dong, ding.
I think the Northwestern is officially at business.
The weather is coming down.
I put us on crab, now I got to keep us on.
Crab ran this over—whoa.
Why don’t you—oh God, let me pull forward.
Somebody ran over our pot, spun it up.
I don’t think I’ve seen this this bad before.
Another boat has run over the Northwestern’s pot, tangling the line so it can’t fit through the block.
This one was run over, caught up in his prop on one blade, and it started spinning, and then they dragged it.
And so it was pretty bad.
It was, uh, haven’t even spun like that in a while.
You can tie the chain to the crane and lift it up, put an overhand in it.
Matt, this time the tangle went way down the line, so you have to pull up all that snarled line to get down to where you can get to the single and get it through the block.
To save the pot, the crew secures a chain below the tangle, allowing the crane to hold the pot in place.
Just take the slack, Jake.
That—oh, that was not good, that’s not good, that’s not good.
The line slips down, 4T nearly losing the 1,000 lb pot in the Bering Sea.
Damn, ooh, that’s even worse.
Oh, is it lack of experience?
Before they can fix the boom, they’ll have to get the tangled pot over the rail.
He’s got it, good job.
Manch down, PCH down.
That’s a hell of a twist.
Lucky we didn’t lose the pot.
We saved the pot, broke the block.
Boom’s very important, that’s how you get your gear on board.
We’re so focused on the one thing, but you got to look at what’s around you when you’re swinging a crane around.
I had to go up fast so they can get the chain on there.
Unfortunately, I hit the boom.
Edgar would have never hit the boom.
Edgar would have never put the boom in jeopardy.
But I had to go up, would have looked up.
There’s only two rules for running the crane or the hydraulics: don’t kill anybody, and don’t break anything.
So I broke rule number two.
Sometimes Jake’s ridiculous on himself.
He says, “I want to be the best one.”
Everybody makes mistakes, who cares?
I got to replace it.
Without a working boom, the Northwestern can’t fish.
Okay, boy, who’s running the crane?
Norman, what you doing?
Great job.
Just take your time.
Remember, you’re no Edgar.
Edgar would be done now.
He’s going to go, “This—I quit.
I’m going to my bed.”
My job is to try to keep the boat from rolling while I have a human being 50 feet in the air.
It’s like a balancing act.
Weather’s been coming down here, luckily, so we can just keep it up against and try to keep the boat from rolling around so much.
He’s up there quite a ways.
Yeah, take me down.
Norman, all right, we’re back at it.
Boom’s all good.
Get these pots up.
Jake Anderson, the worst deckhand ever.
Oh my God, stop it.
It’s funny, I mean, he’s really self-conscious.
You know, he does a great job.
He should give himself more credit.
He’ll make a good captain when he gets a thicker skin.
60 miles south on the 155-ft Wizard, crab in the tank, money in the bank, trip’s over.
We’re headed in, I’m getting out of here, and I hand this boat off to my brother.
Before handing over the helm, I still got to deal with the Roger and Robbie thing.
Captain Keith Curn has some unfinished business.
If you’re going to tell the guy that employs you and signs your paychecks how to run his operation, that’s a bad sign.


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