Chrisley Know Best

Nanny Faye Denies Claims Kyle Chrisley Dropped Family

Nanny Faye Denies Claims Kyle Chrisley Dropped Family

Nanny Faye & Kyle Chrisley [Source: YouTube]

Nanny Faye denied the claims that Kyle Chrisley dropped his family. She opened up and shared the truth in a new interview. Keep on reading to learn more.

Nanny Faye denies “disheartening” claims

Kyle Chrisley denied the “disheartening” claims that he cut off his family. He took to his Instagram Stories to share the truth with his fans. He wanted them to read Nanny Faye’s new interview with People. Kyle shared a screenshot of her exclusive interview with the outlet with the following headline, “Nanny Faye Chrisley Sets the Record Straight About Her Communication with Grandson Kyle: ‘We Always Talk.’”

“I get asked a lot why I’m not involved with my family and it’s disheartening to know so many people just assume I’m not because I wasn’t regular on the show,” Kyle Chrisley wrote in his Instagram Story. “You can read the full story here.”
Kyle Chrisley & Dog [Source: Kyle Chrisley - Instagram]

He included a link to Nanny Faye’s People interview. The former reality star is tired of people assuming that he’s no longer speaking to his family. He wanted to finally share the truth with his grandmother. She revealed that they’re in contact even though he wasn’t on Chrisley Knows Best anymore.
Kyle Chrisley was estranged from the famous family. That all changed when they reunited in 2019. Nanny Faye is sharing the real story of his relationship with his family. In fact, Kyle and Faye talk all the time.

“Oh, that’s not true at all,” Nanny Faye told People, addressing the claims. “I talked to him at least once or twice a day. Now, he called me this morning at 5:30. We have a chat. He talks to his dad, and brothers Chase and Grayson, and they go play golf together. So that’s not true.”

Faye explained that Kyle’s job keeps him from spending time with his family. He works the night shift, which means that he sleeps during the day. Kyle can’t go visit his family and spend time with them as he would like.

Lindsie defends Kyle Chrisley

Nanny Faye wasn’t the only one who defended Kyle Chrisley in the interview. His sister Lindsie broke her silence as well. She knows exactly how he feels since “it’s a very common misconception” they’re not speaking to their family because they’re not on the USA Network series. Lindsie used to be estranged from the family until recently.

“I wasn’t on the show since 2017 and there was the estrangement for, you know, a period of time, but also we were reconciled for a year before anybody in the media or our Instagram families and podcast families knew anything about the reconciliation,” Lindsie told People. “So, I think that because everything’s not just blasted out there, people just safely assume — well, it’s really unsafely assume — that there is no contact.”

Kyle Chrisley Shares People Story [Source: Kyle Chrisley - Instagram Stories]

Faye revealed that Kyle comes over for dinner. They make sure to spend time together. There are also times when Kyle will call her late at night after work. She’ll make time to talk to him on the phone.
Kyle Chrisley appeared in the early seasons of Chrisley Knows Best. He took a leave of absence amid his struggles with substance abuse. What are your thoughts on Nanny Faye denying the claims that he dropped the family? Sound off below in the comment section.

Check back with TV Shows Ace for more news on Kyle Chrisley.


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