Curse Of Oak Island

INSANE Oak Island Discovery Linked To Samuel Ball Changes Everything!

INSANE Oak Island Discovery Linked To Samuel Ball Changes Everything!

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Have the Lagina brothers and their team solved Oak Island’s legendary mystery? Could Samuel Ball, a former slave turned landowner, have the secret to one of history’s most valuable treasures? Join us as we unearth exciting clues, travel risky tunnels, and discover the truth about this mysterious island.

Gary Drayton and Oak Island historian Charles Barkhouse uncovered some fascinating finds while researching Lot 24, which was previously held by Samuel Ball in the early 1800s. They uncovered six old coins, a decorative button, and a curved rivet that could have been part of a weapon. These findings point to the likelihood of an old camp or settlement in the area.

The team wonders if these discoveries could support the myths about stolen Spanish gold being hidden on the island. A coin from the early 1700s bearing the inscription “King George II” is an exciting find. This shows that the artefacts may be from that time period.

The team speculates that all the coins they found are British coppers from the early 1700s. Finding them all in one spot is remarkable and raises questions about why they were left there and who might have owned them.

Discoveries like these add to Oak Island’s mysteries and inspire speculation about hidden treasures to be discovered. Gary and Charles’ discoveries provide exciting details about the island’s history, as well as the chance of unearthing significant antiques and treasures from the past.

The team discovered some writing at the end of a pistol, possibly the owner’s name. Gary believes it might belong to George II. If this is accurate, it’s even more interesting because George II lived before they discovered the money trap. Gary Drayton’s discovery on Lot 24 supports much of what has been speculated about Samuel Ball and his connections to the money pit and Oak Island’s treasure hunt.

This discovery adds to the excitement around the chance that something really valuable was hidden here ages ago, possibly still hidden deep underground. It could be something huge, untouched for centuries.

Before this discovery, many would have assumed the treasure was just ordinary money. But, with these fresh clues, it appears that there may be something even more precious waiting to be discovered.

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Captain Kidd

Charles Barkhouse and investigative writer Randall Sullivan discovered something unusual at the Lunenburg-based South Shore Genealogy Center. They discovered a clue linking the Oak Island mystery to the pirate Captain William Kidd from the 17th century.

They found a map with the words “Kidd’s treasure” written in ink. This implies that even back then, people believed Kidd’s wealth could be buried on Oak Island. The mapmaker recognized the island as a potential treasure location.

Let’s talk about Captain Kidd. During the late 17th century, he gained a notorious reputation for attacking and looting merchant ships. He wasn’t picky about where he plundered—from the Caribbean Sea to the Indian Ocean, he struck fear into the hearts of sailors.

But Kidd’s luck ran out in 1699 when he was arrested and taken to England. There, he faced trial for piracy and was sentenced to death. His story became legend, and the idea of his hidden treasure captured the imagination of many, including those who made maps like the one Barkhouse and Sullivan discovered.

This discovery adds another layer to the Oak Island mystery, raising the possibility that Captain Kidd’s treasure is involved. It’s a fascinating discovery that casts new light on an old story of adventure and intrigue.

Captain William Kidd was a prominent pirate who died in 1701 after being hung. Rumours and speculation have linked him to the Oak Island mystery, a mythology about buried treasure off the coast of Nova Scotia. Some believe Kidd may have concealed his treasure there before his capture.

The Oak Island mystery has attracted treasure hunters and enthusiasts for years. The mythology holds that there is a hidden treasure buried deep within the island, possibly pirate gold. Daniel McGinnis is said to be one of the original discoverers of the Money Pit, a famous excavation site on Oak Island.

The McGinnis file described in the book “Western Shore, Gold River, Martin’s Point Communities,” most likely contains information about Daniel McGinnis and his role in the Oak Island tale. Researchers and treasure hunters frequently use historical documents and archives to piece together the island’s past and alleged treasure.

The story of the elderly sailor on his deathbed discussing Captain Kidd’s loot is intriguing. A member of the Oak Island Association noticed it for the first time in 1863. This sailor claimed to have been a member of Captain Kidd’s crew and helped bury almost 2 million pounds on a remote island near Boston many years ago.

The Money Pit on Oak Island adds another dimension of mystery. In 1804, the Onslow Company discovered a stone slab at a depth of 90 feet with unusual designs on it. When translated, the carvings purportedly suggested that 2 million pounds were buried 40 feet below ground. This revelation has raised debate regarding the veracity of the elderly sailor’s confession.

However, Oak Island’s history is somewhat unclear. There are few solid documents to rely on, making it difficult for scholars and journalists to piece together the riddle. They must sift through scraps of information and attempt to make sense of it all.

Many have been drawn to Oak Island, hoping to uncover Captain Kidd’s fabled treasure. But so far, it remains hidden, leaving us to wonder if it’s just a legend or if there’s truth buried beneath the surface.

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Metal Detector Expert

As a fresh day dawns on Oak Island, Marty Lagina’s son, Alex, and Jack Begley accompany metal detector expert Gary Drayton to Lot 6, which was originally owned by Samuel Ball, a former American slave. Gary, who travelled from Florida, has over 25 years of experience detecting treasure and is ready to find hidden relics. He has retrieved things worth more than $1 million, including old jewels and coins, making him an invaluable member of the squad.

The crew sets out to study the area, hoping to find clues to Oak Island’s intriguing past. As they search the ground with their metal detectors, they look for any clues of hidden wealth or relics left by earlier residents.

Gary’s knowledge shows through as he walks Alex and Jack through the process of utilising metal detectors properly. He reveals the secrets and tactics he’s acquired over the years while polishing his art to become one of the finest in the industry.

As they work, the team examines Oak Island’s history and the significance of Lot 6, which formerly belonged to Samuel Ball. They are fascinated by the concept of what treasures could be buried beneath the surface, waiting to be unearthed.

Despite the challenges of exploring such a large area, the team remains optimistic. With Gary’s expertise leading the way, they are convinced that they are on the right track to discovering Oak Island’s secrets.

Gary is using a Minelab CTX 3030 metal detector. It’s a clever piece of equipment that can locate objects up to three feet deep in the ground. It’s amazing because it can distinguish between different types of metals. It recognizes if it is iron, which is what nails are made of, or something more expensive, such as gold or silver.

So, Gary is out there with his metal detector, and he’s in an area with a lot of iron. That indicates that people had been there before, as iron usually indicates that it was produced by humans.

Then Gary’s detector starts beeping, indicating that there is something down there. So he begins digging, and guess what? He discovers a coin!

Gary isn’t done, though. He’s still looking for the unusual gold-coloured coin. And while he’s searching, his buddy Jack finds a ring. It’s not just any ring though, it’s a copper ring. So now Gary’s thinking, if they’re finding copper rings and coins, there’s probably more cool stuff hidden around there. Basically, this area they’re in is like a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. With all the iron and the stuff they’re finding, it’s like they hit the jackpot!

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After Over Ten Years

After over ten years of searching, learning, and never letting up, brothers Rick and Marty Lagina are finally realising their lifetime ambition. They’ve invested millions of dollars in this project, and they’re finally ready to dig into the Money Pit again, which hasn’t been done in over fifty years.

Their enthusiasm is apparent as they prepare to use a specific piece of equipment known as the oscillator. This machine would gradually grind gigantic 60-foot-long steel caissons into the ground above their first target, which they suspect is a wooden box known as the Chappell Vault. It is located approximately 140 feet beneath the surface.

Once they reach this target depth, they’ll use an eight-ton tool called a hammer grab to remove the earth and, hopefully, uncover treasure from inside the 40-inch-wide hole they’ve created.

The Lagina brothers have poured their hearts and souls into this project, and now that all of the parts are in place, they are on the edge of making a breakthrough that will transform their lives forever. The excitement is obvious as they prepare to go on this historic excavation adventure.

Right now, they have this massive can hanging in the air, weighing approximately 30,000 pounds. The teeth on the bottom of the can are designed to sink into the ground and begin cutting through it.

Rick, Marty, and their team are immensely thrilled about the opportunity to make a significant discovery and possibly solve the mystery of Oak Island.

But once they dig down deep underground, what will they actually find? Will it be a chest full of treasure, like gold and jewels? Or maybe they’ll uncover a vault filled with really valuable religious stuff? Or could it be something even wilder and more mysterious than they ever thought possible? Like, maybe they’ll find something nobody alive today could even imagine. Who knows? But they’re definitely hoping for something amazing.

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Rick, Marty, and Their Companions

Rick, Marty, and their companions are visiting with Doug Crowell, an area historian. They’re also on the phone with Xena Halbert, a Knights Templar researcher. Xena has just made an exciting discovery: two maps and a code that she believes may help her solve the riddle of Oak Island.

One of the maps Xena discovered is a large map of Nova Scotia, which is interesting enough on its own. What makes it even more intriguing is the date 1179, which is written in Roman numerals in the upper right corner. On this map, Oak Island is clearly identified with latitude 4647, with another dot above it.

Everyone in the meeting is excited about this discovery. They know that Oak Island has been a mystery for a long time, with rumours of hidden treasure and secret passages. Could these maps and the code finally unlock the secrets of Oak Island?

Rick, Marty, and their partners begin discussing what they should do next. They understand that they must carefully examine the maps and code in order to understand any clues. They also wish to consult with other specialists to gain their feedback. This could be a pivotal moment in the search for Oak Island’s secret treasure!

Many Nova Scotians are aware that Henry Sinclair, a Scottish Templar knight, arrived in the province in 1398 and may have settled in the New Ross area. Some believe New Ross, Nova Scotia, was the location of a historic Templar fortress built by Prince Henry Sinclair in the late 1300s following his expedition to Oak Island. However, it’s worth considering whether Sinclair’s reported journey took place more than 200 years after the first Templars visited the area. If this is the case, could there be a connection between New Ross and Templar activity on Oak Island?

It is critical to understand the history and context of these statements. The Templars were a medieval Christian military organisation founded in the 12th century to safeguard pilgrims visiting the Holy Land. They became wealthy and important but were disbanded in the early 14th century due to accusations of heresy. However, many theories hold that some Templars escaped to other parts of the world, notably North America.

The account of Henry Sinclair’s supposed visit to Nova Scotia is based on the Sinclair family’s history and the mysterious Kensington Rune Stone discovered in Minnesota, which some believe confirms Templar influence in North America. However, most major historians deny these allegations as lacking substantial proof.

Regarding Oak Island, it has long been associated with tales of buried treasure and secret passages. Theories about Templar involvement stem from supposed similarities between the island’s alleged booby traps and Templar fortifications. Yet, concrete evidence linking the Templars to Oak Island remains elusive.

The team discovered two maps about Nova Scotia. One of them is a French map of Oak Island, which is really exciting because it hints that someone might have been there way back in 1347. On this French map, Oak Island is clearly marked, with French words for different places. It’s like a big puzzle waiting to be solved!

On this hand-drawn map, Oak Island is depicted prominently.

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