Curse Of Oak Island

This Is Why Marty Lagina Is 10x RICHER Than Rick Lagina

This Is Why Marty Lagina Is 10x RICHER Than Rick Lagina

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From one brother who spent a lifetime amassing his riches by investing in several industries such as energy, law, real estate, and winemaking to another brother who lived a more subtle lifestyle by working for the government before taking on the 200-plus-year treasure hunting challenge on Oak Island, here is why Marty Lagina is ten times richer than Rick Lagina.

For many years now, we’ve all become engrossed in the treasure hunting madness that has been taking place in this strange place known as Oak Island. For hundreds of years, it has been truly fascinating to watch several camps and teams as they made their way to this strange place because they heard that treasures made up of valuable precious metals as well as historical artifacts are buried somewhere on this mysterious island.

It’s funny because nobody knows who this treasure actually belongs to. There are those who claim the treasure must have been made of the booty that was looted by Captain William Kidd as he ravaged through the seven seas with his crew during what is now known as the Golden Age of Piracy. Then there are those who are convinced that this treasure must be made up of the stashed-away fortune of William Shakespeare. To be honest, the list of theories is actually an inexhaustible one because, for example, there are those who are convinced that this treasure must belong to Queen Maria Antoinette, who must have been desperate to use that money to start a new life with her family following the alarming events of the French Revolution.

Despite not knowing who this treasure may belong to, it is clear that these men were more concerned about actually finding the treasure and were not too bothered about who it may belong to. Perhaps this is why nobody has been able to come away from the island with the treasure in tow. That said, there are some who are convinced that this isn’t why they have failed to find this elusive treasure. In fact, most of these people came to believe that the curse on the treasure is real. This curse says that seven people must die while searching for the treasure before it can be found. So far, only six people have met their demise as they chased after this elusive treasure on the island.

Don’t say this to the Lagina brothers, though. Rick and Marty, along with the rest of the Curse of Oak Island TV show crew, have been searching for this treasure together since the middle of the 2010s. With any luck, they may be the ones to emerge from the island with the treasure that many have been searching for over the period of 229 years.

In the course of the Curse of Oak Island show, the pair have garnered the admiration of the fans thanks to their fascinating search for this treasure that is rumored to be hidden somewhere in this strange place. Interestingly, this curiosity and admiration in the treasure hunting brothers has also made the viewers wonder about how much these brothers are worth. Maybe it will be interesting for the viewers to learn that Marty, the younger of the pair, seems to be a lot richer than his older brother Rick. Imagine that… How did that happen?

Well, this seems to be a source of interest to the fans of the Curse of Oak Island TV show since its debut on the History Channel in 2014. As the fans followed the brothers and their dedicated crew as they searched for the treasure on this mysterious island located on the south coast of Nova Scotia, they found that there was a lot more than treasure on this island. They got captivated with all the other mysteries and secrets that lay hidden within this eerie place.

It comes as no surprise that Daniel McGinnis thought that he must have come across some treasure when he discovered a strange circular depression on the island. Driven by the many tales of hidden treasure on the island, he decided to recruit a group of his friends so that they could see if they could find any treasure at the bottom of this circular depression. Alas, they would prove to be the first of many that would fail to find this treasure despite digging many feet into what is now known as the original Money Pit.

Alas, their loss will be the Lagina brothers’ gain, especially after a thirteen-year-old Rick came across the legend of the missing treasure that was supposed to be hidden somewhere on Oak Island in a Reader’s Digest. Just like the others who had made their way to the island, they were convinced that either this was an elaborate prank carried out by one hell of a prankster who had the time and energy to pull off such an exaggerated hoax or that there was truly some treasure hidden somewhere on this fascinating island.

Well, now that they are on the island, the brothers are hell-bent on succeeding where many others have failed. Together with what is known as the Fellowship of the Dig, they have been following all the clues that they could find in the hopes that it would lead them to that elusive treasure. Although at this point in time, they are struggling to find anything that can actually point them to where X marks the spot on the treasure map, they have been able to come away with some truly fascinating discoveries along the way.

Over time, the fascinating treasure hunting activities of the Fellowship of the Dig have proven to be interesting to the tons of people who eventually became fans of the Curse of Oak Island TV show. Understandably, though, it must be frustrating for the Lagina brothers and their crew, as well as the fans of the show, that they are still unable to find this treasure. One would think that the many theories that we mentioned earlier may be clues, but it still doesn’t seem to help their cause. Even clues such as the peculiar stone that was found within the original Money Pit many centuries ago don’t seem to be a clue. This stone had some strange inscription on it, and although these inscriptions have since been translated to say “Forty Feet below, Two Million Pounds lie,” this hasn’t drawn anybody closer to where this massive fortune may be hidden on the island. Again, it is almost like some sort of elaborate joke.

Still, the team works hard to bring this treasure hunting mission to an end. That is why they’ve also chosen to follow leads which state that the Knights Templar may be linked to this hidden treasure. It would make sense because during their 200-year period of prominence, the Christian military organization was able to gather a ton of wealth thanks to those wealthy people that showed them favor. However, considering the fact that they were prominent in the Middle Ages, many centuries before the Americas were said to be discovered by the Europeans, it casts doubts that the Knights Templar would have even known that Oak Island existed. That said, if it is true that the Knights Templar made it to Oak Island before the likes of Christopher Columbus, then it looks like the pages of history are up for some review.

However, there are still other clues that point the team in other directions. For example, the discovery of coconut fiber within the Money Pit told them that those who buried the treasure may have come from more tropical regions. Considering that the Knights Templar aren’t from said tropic climes, this may eliminate them from the list of those who may have buried the treasure on the island. Then there is the largely significant discovery that was made during Season 5 of the Curse of Oak Island TV show. This significant find came in the form of a medieval lead cross. This was a massive find because it was believed to have the potential to change the pages of history just like we alluded to earlier because it may mean that the Knights Templar did make it to the island all those many years ago.

Soon, the team’s metal detectors helped them pick up the presence of a fragment of ancient jewelry that housed a 500-year-old garnet stone, which may also indicate that the Knights Templar were on a boat to the remote ends of Nova Scotia all those many years ago. As interesting as these items may be, they may be nothing compared to two sets of human bones that were also discovered on the island. Upon carrying out some DNA tests of these bones, one of them is said to have Middle Eastern ancestry. This again made the team and the fans turn their attention to the Knights Templar, as some of their members may have come from Jerusalem and the kingdoms nearby.

Now, these aren’t the only significant discoveries that have been made in the course of the show. Some may remember the ornate brooch with a gemstone in the center that was discovered sometime ago. Some analysis revealed that it was created using pure copper and gold. This meant that it was actually the first piece of gold that was found on the island by these treasure hunters, and with any luck, it meant that there was more to come. Incredibly, this analysis revealed that this piece could be about 500 years old.

Then there was this large iron spike that was discovered some time ago as well. A close look at it showed that it may have been used to anchor ships to rocks back in the day, which dated to anytime between 1812 and 1840. Some expert analysis also linked it to a French expedition. Incredibly, some research showed that the owner of the ship who set off on this expedition to Oak Island had familial links that could be traced back to, you guessed it, the Knights Templar.

Whoever the treasure belongs to, let’s hope that these clues lead the Lagina brothers and their team to the treasure as soon as possible, especially as the treasure hunters may only have a limited amount of time to search for the treasure on the island. Despite owning some of the rights to the island, there are still some restrictions on the privately owned island, and as such, the Lagina brothers and their team would need to show up with the necessary permits required before they can carry out any treasure hunting activities on the island.

Despite these restrictions, the Lagina brothers didn’t hesitate to acquire the rights that they had to the island when they realized that they were available for sale. Once they met with the owners, David Tobias and the legendary Dan Blankenship, they must have jumped for joy when Dan decided to sell some of his shares to them, making it possible for the Lagina brothers to head up the treasure hunting expedition. Having established the team and acquired some of the necessary permits, they went about finding all the clues that they could find to uncover the treasure that may still be hidden somewhere on the island.

While Rick and Marty Lagina have been instrumental to the treasure hunting efforts on the island, it is interesting to note that Marty Lagina is far richer than Rick Lagina. It is believed that Marty Lagina is worth about $100 million, whereas Rick Lagina is said to be worth $10 million. But how is it that one brother is ten times richer than the other? Here’s why.


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