Deadliest Catch

Sig and Jake Finally Have a Monster Haul | Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns

Sig and Jake Finally Have a Monster Haul | Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns

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“Hello Jake.”

“Hey Sig, how you doing?”

“Probably gonna have to see the country here pretty soon if things keep going the way they’re going.”

“How about that. Same here. I picked them on a town soak and there was nothing, and there should have been at least one crab for the string.”

“It doesn’t make any sense that I would go from 20s or low teens to just blank, zero, like nothing.”

“I just think with the full moon, it went off the bite. You never know.”

“I want to set in the canyon we already have. Just been—let me take a look at this.”

“When you look at that canyon, and you look at how it runs from the fjord and all the way out—yeah, I do. The canyons run out into the flats, and that’s supposedly the crab highway. And now that we’re after that moon, maybe it’s time to give it another try. Sometimes those crab hunker down for a few days, and then bang, they’re on the bite again.”

“So what about this? Why don’t you come in from the top, from the north, and sit on the mouth of that canyon, and we’ll come in from the backside on the bottom, and we can kind of close it up in the middle.”

“We’re almost to the gear here. Jake’s about 11 miles up above us—he’s to the north of us.”

“Tides have slacked off, are hoping that something could be in here somewhere. There’s a lot on the line here. We’ve only got a few days before this order is due, and so far we’ve come up short, but we’re not good enough.”

“I’m just hoping I’m doing everything right. We’ve got the first pots coming up.”

“There we go.”


“First one’s in the block.”

“I see a little bit of life.”

“There’s a few nice crab—oh yeah.”


“Oh yeah, we got king crabs.”

“How many?”


“That works.”

“Alright, so this is about nine miles from Jake. He’s still at the top of the canyon there. We’re starting to get down a little deeper right now.”


“Keep them.”


“Stay in Norway on the day in paradise. Yeah, we got crabs.”

“Well, this is the kind of fishing we’ve been looking for. Did well.”

“This next one’s about six miles away from Jake right now.”

“There we go.”

“Money right now—now we’re seeing big numbers of king crab, just consistently. Forty—four-zero.”



“Let’s pull it here on the ordinary string. We’re heading southeast, coming up north, hopefully we’ll see some crab.”

“Tides, the weather, and the moon phase made these crabs hunker down in the mud, and then I just kept moving. Now they want to feed, so I’m coming back.”

“I think it might be a bit of a gamble, you know, but if you don’t gamble, you don’t win.”

“We’ve got a lot on this area, so hopefully it pays off.”

“No, no, so far fishing has been really good, so we really need a little bumper, a little boost of morale.”

“First pot’s nothing.”

“I should have known better. Pretty silent out there. It’s only one pot, but it’s not looking good.”

“We still have to fill Sig Hansen’s order. We also have to fill my order for the American buyers.”

“A ton of weight on my shoulders, and it’s a ton of weight on Sig’s, I’m sure, but we’re not going to crumble. I mean, we’re used to this pressure, and if we fail, we’ll just keep hauling to The Bitter End. It’s what we do.”

“So maybe you can give me some luck. If we ever needed it, now’s the time.”


“The slower the block pulls, it seems I made the wrong call.”

“Okay, here comes a buck.”


“See anything?”

“Holy—holy crap!”

“Yeah, 12 plus one—four plus one—you superstitious bastard.”

“12 plus one—Baker’s dozen—whatever the hell you want to call it. They’re scared to say the number, so I’ll oblige and not say it myself.”

“Third—13, you know, but it’s a good start, so maybe we are into something.”

“Alright, we’re seeing some life now, we just need to hold up.”

“Hey everyone, yeah, you show that boy some crab—he turns into Superman on the hook. Starting to see some light, bird makes it a lot more fun.”


“You got something? It’s time to 20 right there. That’s a pretty big gap difference, but I’ll take it.”

“It’s good.”


“So I really hope this keeps up.”

“I’m moving south towards Sig now. He’s silent, and when he’s silent, that means he’s on crab.”

“Another one coming up.”

“There we go.”

“Yeah, you got some big boys on that one. I’ll take a 60 all day long. That works.”


“Here it comes.”

“What does it look like?”

“17. Oh yeah, getting into the meat now.”

“Finally get some good numbers.”

“Funny. Alright, we’re ready.”

“We got 21.45.”

“Now we’re crabbing, baby!”



“So we did it! Hey y’all, look—we did it!”

“Dude, that’s 7,097 crabs first. That’s it.”


“We did it, guys. Thank you.”

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