Deadliest Catch

Typhoon Nori BATTERS Keith Colburn’s Crew As Crewmate Gets Injured! | Deadliest Catch

Typhoon Nori BATTERS Keith Colburn’s Crew As Crewmate Gets Injured! | Deadliest Catch

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40 mil southeast.
A 499-ton Wizard cuts through the storm.
Seas are stacking up to 25-30 footers.
I’ve blown close to 50 or better.
We need to find a way in these last 3 days to really put some crab on this boat.
We’re running out of time after losing 50% of his king crab quota.
We had a quick turn on red C.
I mean, we got in, we got out.
Keith needs the elusive bar die to pay off.
Just trying to figure out how to catch 10,000 crab a day.
Doesn’t matter how you get them.
Putting pounds on the boat means fishing straight through the typhoon.
The plan is to just keep rolling gear.
I mean, we’re hauling and stacking, hauling and stacking.
Already put in a long trip, and it’s starting to show.
Guys are beat up.
Kevin’s out of action, but Gater is on board, and we’re back to full strength for the team, so we need to take advantage of this right now.
All right, guys, pulling this string’s going to be a little bit sketchy.
Just be aware if you hear the loud hailer go off, that means big wave.
Okay, all right, coming up, watch.
You’re coming hot, hell yeah, oh yeah.
Got something in?
Get rich.
Need a big day, big day.
Looks like fishing’s starting to pick up finally.
This is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Q Bar die to get us out of here.
Heads up!
They always say when the weather gets, the fish get hotter.
It’s getting hotter, just like me, baby.
One, two.
Watch your backside there.
Hang on, hang on.
It was 140.
Wow, 140 right on.
Holy smokes, went from bad weather to serious.
Watch it, guys.
Guys, there’s a big greeny coming on the port side.
Okay, guys, hang on, hang on.
Watch out, hang on, hang on.
The Wizard, holy smokes, got nautical in the last 6 hours.
Went from bad weather to serious weather.
Watch it, guys.
Guys, there’s a big greeny coming on the port side.
Okay, guys, hang on, hang on.
Watch out, hang on, hang on.
Oh, everybody good?
Wow, man, my crew is just getting hammered this year.
We want to see the crab keep coming.
If the weather stays like this, and the crab keeps coming, I’ll take it any day.
That was totally trash.
That’s why fate and luck are important in this game.
We’re just trying to wiggle our way down the string and haul the gear.
All right, guys, the weather’s not coming down.
I can guarantee you that.
We’re two strings away from being at 100,000 lbs on the boat.
With an offload looming, we don’t need a sea now.
Veteran Captain Keith Curn prays the crab stay on the bite.
I’ll take it.
I’ll take it.
Damn, all right, guys, watch out.
This one’s coming at you.
Hang on, hang on.
It’s crazy weather.
One more coming, you guys.
Hang on, hang on.
Everybody good?
Oh, Freddy got ashed by that wave.
Soer, come up here to the wheel real quick.
After pummeling the boat for 6 hours, Typhoon Nori claims its first victim.
Where are we at, Freddy?
I can take a look at it.
The massive 25-ft wave broke at the rail, slamming Kwan Freddy Mugai into the launcher, then down to the deck.
Okay, let’s get his rain gear off.
Can you tell me where?
Don’t move.
Can you tell me where?
Which leg?
How bad?
Yeah, need first aid.
When hurt so hard…
No, no, no, you won’t, Freddy.
No, no, stop.
Sit down.
I know, I know.
Listen to me, just sit down.
I want you to get your rain gear off, all right?
I want to take a look at it personally.
I’ve been fine, man.
I know you’re fine, Freddy.
I just, I got to make sure, okay?
I want you to just, here, hang on, hang on, hang on.
Wait for me.
You can’t always be indestructible, right?
I swear I’m fine.
I know you’re, you’re totally fine.
I can tell you’re totally fine.
Have a seat, so I want to be able to have you pull your sweats up.
It’s not bad.
All right, go ahead and bend this knee for me real quick.
No, no problem.
Let me see here, so it hurts, right?
I’m going to touch it right here.
Right in there?
Yeah, just wait.
Okay, all right, now let me see your hip real quick.
So, just right in there?
Yeah, when it smacked down the bar, it’ll hurt with me pushing.
When I stand up, try to walk this way, feel okay?
All right, I just need to make sure that there weren’t any bones sticking out.
Okay, Freddy, you go and pull these out.
Sweet, thank you.
Now I’m good to go.
No, you’re not good to go then.

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