The Two Main Reasons Crew Members Are Asked To Leave Gold Rush
The Two Main Reasons Crew Members Are Asked To Leave Gold Rush
While the popular Discovery Channel series “Gold Rush” is focused on various mining crews attempting to uncover riches, many viewers also find themselves invested in the cast members’ personal lives. After all, it is a reality show.
On the “Gold Rush” subreddit, fans often come together to discuss the latest clashes between costars, new crew members, and speculate about why certain people left the show. A recent thread by u/KaiserSozes-brother broke down how much money they believed Parker Schnabel said their rock truck drivers were making per season. This led into a discussion about the company’s rules.
Schnabel, who has appeared on the original series since Season 1 and led the spin-off “Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail,” is a verified Reddit user and active member of the “Gold Rush” subreddit. He replied to the OP’s post to clarify what he meant about the pay rates and minimal additional expenses.
Then, he answered questions about the hiring process, turnover rates, and exit interviews with people who leave the company. His response revealed the two main reasons why crew members are asked to leave “Gold Rush.”
Gold Rush’s job standards are relatively common
Responding under the fitting username u/GOLD__DIGGER, Parker Schnabel offered an in-depth explanation of how his company operates and why not everyone is the right fit for the job. “I won’t say we are an easy outfit to work for, but it works for us and we make the decisions that we feel are best for the company,” he wrote.
Schnabel said that while they don’t do exit interviews, “if people are willing to talk to us about why they’re leaving and what’s going on with them then we always welcome that discussion.”
However, there are some things he is “unwilling to compromise on,” and the main two reasons he provided are fairly standard for most jobs. The first point he listed includes “alcohol/drug abuse at work, not being punctual or not coming back on time from days off, abusing company equipment/vehicles, (and/or) just plain not adhering to the basics of work rules in a camp.”
His second point was “having a problem with a manager” like Mitch Blaschke or Tyson Lee. Schnabel also added that the main reason people quit is “usually because they don’t want the lifestyle” that comes with mining, though “Gold Rush” fans have witnessed explosive fights that led to crew members leaving as well.
Either way, it seems that the main reasons crew members are asked to leave “Gold Rush” are just like any other job.