Chrisley Know Best

Chrisley Grandchild Has No Idea Todd & Julie Are In Prison?

Chrisley Grandchild Has No Idea Todd & Julie Are In Prison?

Todd Chrisley, Julie Chrisley-YouTube

Is there a grandchild who has no idea that Julie and Todd Chrisley are currently behind bars? It appears that is the case but is there a reason for the lack of information? More so, what is that reason if there even is one? Read on for more details.

Grandchild Has No Idea Julie & Todd Chrisley Are In Prison?

It has not been an easy year since Julie and Todd Chrisley headed to separate prisons. Julie went to one in Kentucky for her seven-year term. As for her husband, Todd, he headed off to Pensacola, Florida where he has faced deplorable circumstances. Fortunately, Nanny Faye Chrisley went to see Todd for the holidays, and, though it was not the same, she got to see her boy. He even did an interview from behind bars to share what the conditions were like. It seems he is struggling but they are hopeful their faith will prevail and they will be home sooner rather than later.

Todd and Julie Chrisley/YouTube

However, according to a Reddit thread, it seems that Lindsie Chrisley’s son, Jackson, is unaware of what is going on. Apparently, he has no idea what is going on with his grandparents which is sad but may be for the best. This is what the OP wrote:

I was on the other sub reading and saw that I believe Lindsie bf Trent (I think that’s his name) but I think he is now her ex, ex-wife told her kids to tell Jackson that his grandparents are in prison. (Which is messed up, because not your business to inform him of that information and also horrible to involve your kids in that)

They went on to note that if Chloe Chrisley can handle this information then so can Jackson. How did Redditors feel about this?

She’s so busy being a helicopter parent that she doesn’t see.
I didn’t take it as lindsie saying he didn’t know.
Lindsie should have told him where Todd and Julie are,better to find out from her than a stranger or kids at school

He Does Know

Ultimately, it did come out that Jackson knows where Julie and Todd Chrisley are. Someone wrote this to explain it:

It’s my understanding that he knows but she felt this was taunting him/making fun and was inappropriate. Which if that’s the case is definitely true. But Lindsie may have twisted the situation so who knows.
Another noted that Chloe’s parents have had troubles with the law which is why her grandparents adopted her. Therefore, she may be more well-equipped to deal with this. In any case, it was Lindsie’s choice what she told her son so no one can judge.

Do you think she was right if she did or did not tell Jackson? Let us know in the comments below.

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