Chrisley Know Best

Savannah Chrisley’s Struggles To Enjoy Her Boyfriend, Why?

Savannah Chrisley’s Struggles To Enjoy Her Boyfriend, Why?

Savannah Chrisley Feature YouTube

Savannah Chrisley admits she has a hard time enjoying her boyfriend, Robert Shiver. It was during a recent episode of her podcast that she opened up about how she was drowning in conflicting emotions right now.

Why is she struggling so much right now? Keep reading for the details on what she shared via her podcast.

Savannah Chrisley’s Struggles To Enjoy Her Boyfriend, Why?

In her podcast, Savannah Chrisley confesses there’s a lot of bittersweet feelings involved with her and her boyfriend. Sadly, she feels as though she is drowning in conflicting emotions. On one hand, her heart aches over the death of Nic Kerdiles. On the other hand, her heart is jumping with joy as she enjoys her new boyfriend.

Savannah Chrisley - Chrisley Knows Best/YouTube

Unfortunately, Savannah recognizes that she has likely put a bit of a wall up around her heart. She struggles with allowing love back into her life because she is afraid she will just lose it the same way she lost Nic.

I think you get so used to doing life solo that it’s like … all right, I don’t need anything because if you’re gonna come in and disrupt it, then there we are, and now I have to start over and I have to heal again. I’ve spent a lot of my life healing.”

Coming At It Differently

Savannah adds that she has learned a lot amid the death of Nic Kerdiles. His sudden and unexpected passing taught her that life was short. So, she can’t let fear of losing love stop her from experiencing it.

I get to the other side of it and I’m like, you know what? Grief also teaches you that life is short — that you lose people. You don’t know when the last moment you’re gonna have with someone is.

Sadly, she admits that her conflicting feelings for Robert and Nic leave her somewhat confused from time to time. She, however, is trying to take things day by day and live life to the fullest. Furthermore, she’s doing what she knows how to do best: Healing.

Surrounded By Nic Kerdiles

Savannah Chrisley added she was ready for the year to be over. It was largely because she had a rough week. She explained she was in a bit of a funk. She was being flooded by signs of Nic everywhere. This was difficult for her to deal with.

Then yesterday, I went and signed up for personal training, and the trainer I was signing up with happened to be a trainer Nic and I trained with a few times, a long time ago.

She clarified it felt a little like she was being slapped in the face by life.

Do you understand why she is struggling emotionally to balance the love and ache in her heart? Furthermore, do you think the death of Nic Kerdiles made things awkward for her boyfriend? Share your thoughts in the comments. Then, bookmark TV Shows Ace so you never miss an update on the Chrisley family.

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